How many times are you in Target just minding your own business when BAM! All of the sudden a stunning greeting card catches your eye. You swing your cart full of who-knows-what (*ahem* all that stuff you don't need) and you check out this Hallmark piece of beauty.
Okay, maybe that only happens to me...but if you've ever been drawn to the elegant, beautiful, and lovely design that is printed material, then you know what I'm talking about.

As most of you (don't) know, I'm a graphic designer. Naturally, I aim for designs that correlate with the emotion and strategy behind a project. I believe your wedding invitations should do the same.
For the past year or so, I've been partnered with Basic Invite *cheers*. This groovy little company not only lets you customize your dream wedding invitations, but they also offer stationery, elegant pocket wedding invitations, bridal shower RSVP's, cards, and BASICally anything else you'll need (see what I did there?) ;)

The niche little options of foil-pressing, embossing, adding varnish, using transparencies, and di-cuts are enough to make the designer in me grin! I've ordered their sample pack and can totally vouch that there quality is fantastic.
Seriously, sometimes I just pull them out to touch them...don't judge me.

So next time you're wandering through the greeting card aisle of Target, you can confidently know that you, too can leave a beautiful printed piece for your loved ones. Only instead of mass-produced sentiments and glitter that sheds like nobody's business, yours will be customized – made by YOU and in celebration of your biggest + best occasions.
(Yes Basic Invite is paying me to say this, but I swear all these words are my own AND I truly think these things!)